Weddings For Everyone !
On June 26th, 2015, America has made one of the biggest changes in its history, that will determined the future of millions of American people ! The US Supreme court strikes own ban on same sex marriage ! Same sex marriage is now legal in all 50 states ! Richard Wolf ( a reporter for USA today ) states “ as reporters in the building, our initial reaction was, whoa it’s coming so soon. It was the first decision announced today … we always thought it will be on the very last day of court, which would be Monday”
Now this is considered to be one of the biggest milestones in the courts 226 year history. The Justices ruled in a 5-4 decision. States are not allowed to deny same sex couples the same marriage rights as opposite sex couples. Nearly 46 years to date, the Stonewall Inn riots took place in New York. This opened the door for what we know now as the modern day Gay rights movement. For those who are un-aware, the stonewall riots were a series of violent acts done by the gay community… in response to the police raid that took place earlier that day… June 28th, 1969. Now during the 1950’s and 60’s very few establishments welcomed anyway one of the LGBT community, and the Stonewall Inn located in the Greenwich Village neighborhood in Manhattan New York, opened their doors to these peopled. After year after the riots, the very first Gay Pride march, now referred to as the Gay Pride parade took place on June 28th, 1970 in NY, LA and Chicago. According to CNN, President Barack Obama issues warm words of congratulations stating “I just want to say congradulations.”. He went on to add “Your leadership on this has changed the cpuntry” in reference to Jim Obergefell. Jim Obergefell as some of you may know from the case Obergefell V hodges was denied the right to be declared the surving spouce to his late husband John Arthur who died from ALS. Their marriage took place in Maryland on July 11th, 2013. The lawsuit took place however in the southern district of Ohio. In this case, Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy stated “ They ask for eual dignity in the eyes of the law. The constitution grants then that rights”. Now in the ruling that took place today, the courts 4 more liberal justices: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan joined Justice Kennedy’s majority opinion. Justice Kennedy has become the nation’s most important judicial figure to campainge for gay rights. So What does the future hold for the LGBT community here in America? Well the most I can say is expect some wedding invasions in your mailbox soon ! Congratulations to all of the men and women who this decision affect here today